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The University of Tübingen was founded in 1477, and it is one of Germany’s oldest universities. It is one of the "excellent" eleven German universities. The work for the Interfast project will be performed at the Institute of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry. The Casu lab pioneered the research on radical thin films introducing the use of organic molecular beam deposition (OMBD) and soft X-rays based techniques, such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and photo emission electron microscopy. The thin film phase of organic radicals was unknown before their work in the field. This was a fundamental pre-requisite to test their suitability for electronics because surface analytical techniques are crucial for the characterization of materials for applications. They also successfully evaporated (poly)radicals. This is the first time that a (poly)radical, such as a diradical or a triradical, is evaporated onto a surface opening the way to consider spin-spin interactions in organic materials, beyond the solution/powder dual characterization, towards interfaces and surfaces that can be integrated in future devices. Their recent efforts aimed at measuring X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) at the nitrogen and carbon K-edge. This allowed investigating for the first time the magnetic behaviour of very thin organic films. In fact, traditional techniques used for radicals do not possess enough sensitivity to investigate very thin films.

EKUT will lead WP1, also investigating the organic/inorganic interfaces, and contribute to WP2 using various photoelectron spectroscopies based on X-Rays.

People involved

Prof. Dr. Benedetta Casu (PI)